Wednesday, July 24, 2013

New moon of July message

 little late but this is what came through as the Message for the Tribe for the New
Moon of July 2013

“So, what is partnership truly about? What does it mean to move from I to we? From us and them to a collaborative mission? Can you suppose that you came here to be alone? To
be with just a few? What would be the point of billions of people here on one planet to just “do their own individual thing” ? Instead of focusing on your own individual need, for
partnership think of the whole. Think of billions of people working and collaborating together to create something very, very large. And, yes, you as an individual have something to
contribute to the whole. Yes, you are All needed. But nothing will be accomplished unless you all Contribute your talents.
You have a story that works as an analogy, the stone soup story.
A village is starving. One individual drops a “magical” stone into a pot and says, ”I will create
enough soup to feed you all.” As the pot is being stirred each individual miraculously finds that they
have a bit of something they can contribute to the pot and now where there was once just a huge pot
of water sits a huge pot of nurturing soup, enough to feed the whole village. And so it is with the world at this time. You are all starving for connection, trying to feed yourselves all by yourselves. It is not enough. You need everyone else to create the soup that will feed you all. The soup of We, the soup that can then spill out and nurture and grow a new society

We ask you to try this activity. Sit and still yourself for a moment.  Now, see the barriers of your body fall away. See yourself partnering with your greater energetic Self. Feel the vulnerability and expansion of the being without a container. Allow the thoughts of judgment,
that separate you from others, to slowly disappear. Now, see yourself
connecting with those you love. See their unique light merging with
yours. See yourselves as fluid energy light that has no limitation
flooding out in to your neighborhood, connecting with all the light
hiding in each separate being, connecting with the energylight that
naturally streams from every living thing. See it blending into a ‘soup’
of light that spreads through out your town, state, country. See this
light of love encircling and nurturing your planet. See yourself
working with others to create a great society of collaboration for the
Greater Good. Begin practicing letting down your barriers to this possibility.
You watch as others in the world risk their lives to break down these barriers. You can support those
in the vanguard of this Great Revealing by relaxing and becoming a more fluid aspect of humanity.
This is all about an enormous heart opening on an individual, national and finally world wide level
but it begins with each of you. Trust in the goodness and beauty of what will be revealed in you and
all of humanity as you walk arm in arm towards a society of Oneness of Spirit.

Here is a Tarot Reading you can do about your individual part of the whole

Card One
What are the barriers you use to protect ourselves from “others” ?

Card Two
What is the “Light” that you have to contribute to the whole?

Card Three
What action is needed to release your
barriers to Oneness of Spirit?

Card Four
If you were to take the time to sit in stillness for the next 30 days, releasing your light to the world, what might be a possible outcome?

working with others to create a great society of collaboration for the
Greater Good. Begin practicing letting down your barriers to this possibility.
You watch as others in the world risk their lives to break down these barriers. You can support those
in the vanguard of this Great Revealing by relaxing and becoming a more fluid aspect of humanity.
This is all about an enormous heart opening on an individual, national and finally world wide level
but it begins with each of you. Trust in the goodness and beauty of what will be revealed in you and
all of humanity as you walk arm in arm towards a society of Oneness of Spirit.

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