Saturday, March 12, 2011

Earth's Movement

For the Tribe March 12

It is really very simple just change judgment to Love. Fear to love change from the perceived “You” to a channel for love. The planet is evolving just as we are, though Gaia is moving faster than most of us. The Earth’s movement is all about Love which is our natural state and though this shift may wreak havoc on our physical structures, the process moves us more quickly to our authentic selves, moves us to a realization that we are all connected, moves us to compassion, to an opening of our heart, to a chance to meet our neighbor , to a chance to be of service to this amazing process we are all going through together. Reach out with your hands, your thoughts, your greater being, reach deep into the Earth for stabilization while connecting to higher source, See your chest open wide and allow the glorious Self that you are to emerge.

These words that I share with you are for me, of course. These are words of my
higher being, words that enable me to continue with a glad heart when all seems
to moving towards disaster.

Thank you for receiving me.
Thank you for pulling these words from me.
Thank you.

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