Sunday, October 9, 2011

I asked for a message for my Tribe for the New Moon of September/October
"We would speak to you of your words, words like: shouldn't, couldn't, won't, and can't. These words are the key to opening the door to an inner vision of what is truly real, what exists beyond what you are experiencing. The idea that: "This won't work." "This can't happen." "This couldn't be true" is a resistance to what Is. Sitting with what truly Is, is the first and most important step in the process of evolving your language to a positive vibration, so that you may attract a better world for yourself and others. This is why we suggest meditation as a practice for sitting with yourself accepting whereever you are, accepting your circumstances. We are sure you know that nothing can truly move on or change until there is acceptance. This is where your idea of forgiveness comes from. It is a forgiving of the circumstances that will enable you to swim upwards to a more expansive view of the situation, helping you to find answers to your questions. You have limited yourselves with your resistance to what is by holding on to hate, the past, what was and even by holding on to what you think is true, thinking that the reality you are experiencing is all there is. Very limiting. You are leaving out so much that could be utilized for you and other's happiness and peace of mind. We ask that you spend a few minutes each day just Being, practice accepting all your circumstances and then watch the miracle of acceptance transform with the freeing up of your vision of what is possible. When one is saying, can't, won't, shouldn't, one is literally blind, at a dead end. This is the perception of your three dimensional world, all these endings, the idea that there is nothing more. Oh, my dears, there is so much more. Practice opening to More without knowing what that More is. You do not have to Know anything. Just open up to Possibility.
We leave you with Love, the key to this opening."

From Carolyn: This message is so much the message of the The Star card in the tarot. In this card a naked woman kneels on the earth as she channels source energy. Her vulnerability is the resullt of the Tower card, a card of destruction,so the Star card is about the place we come to when we feel we have lost everything. But, by losing everything we gain ourselves, for we are now free to connect our larger, Universal Self. So the card's key words are Faith, which brings Hope, which allows us to Accept, which open us up to gifts we had not been able to imagine before.

Reading for the Tribe at the New Moon of September/October 2011

1. As we head into Fall, into darkness again, what will warm us in the colder days to come? What positive energy is arriving? Three cards

Queen of Cups /eight of Wands / Three of Swords
Circumstances will force us within to Feel on a deep level, thinking from our Hearts which will connect us, literally change our brain waves(Eight of Wands) forcing us to look at our deeper psyche(Three of Swords) and clear, clear, clear the pain and struggle in our hearts. A great gift which will make more room for light and expansion.

2. How, when our world seems to be getting darker on all fronts, how to stay connected to the light and love available to us so that we can be a bright Star to ourselves and to those who are feeling afraid and lost? Three cards

The Devil / Five of Swords /Nine of Swords
We need to share our own difficulties with others, our pain, our struggles, but not through telling our stories of pain and struggle over and over again. The need is to witness ourselves, observe the ego voices in our heads, to listen to the old messages (Five of Swords), look at the shouldn'ts, the cant's, the won'ts, to see how we are limiting ourselves (The Devil) with our attachment to our stories of suffering, of doing it right, following orders, disallowing, not accepting, and self-cruelty (Nine of Swords). This self-flagellation is not helpful but only keeps us safe from our growing pains. Get it all out in the open. Be vulnerable. Stop hiding behind the pain.

3. What will challenge us as we continue to open? What might limit our opening?

Ten of Pentacles / Two of Cups / Three of Wands / The Universe
Our continuing need for material security(Ten of Pentacles) is wearing us down and we need to be traveling light for the journey ahead. Our focus needs to shift from the material to loving relationships, practicing a pure heart space(Two of cups) so that we can begin to imagine and bring in the divine plan(Three of Wands) of becoming our complete Selves(The Universe). The complete Self is our divine self living in our human body creating heaven on earth. (-:

4. Advice for us in the coming days?

Six of Swords
This is a very different sword card from the fives, threes and nines of the reading. In the Six of Swords, the mind is being used for its original purpose as an instrument of Divine mind, using our minds to create and solve and bring in higher wisdom. So the Universe is asking you to center yourselves in your hearts, think and speak from your hearts and listen to your Divine Self.

This reading is about becoming more authentic by first allowing ourselves to be where we are without pushing or beating ourselves up, then to listen to the messages we are receiving from the ego and begin to separate and listen to our higher Self so that we can begin to relax and be the beings of light and love what we truly are.

Try this reading out for just yourself.

I welcome comments, questions, as always

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