Monday, August 29, 2011

Conversations with Tiphereth

We are here.


We would speak to you of the happenings on the East Coast

They are a warning of what is to come

Is this about Fear?


What fear can create?

Yes Fear is the dangerous wind that blossoms in the minds of mankind. Fear approaches one and asks to be let in and if you open to fear you create a hurricane force wind The wind itself is not the problem; it is the reception of this force that creates a larger sphere of force. It is important that you be aware of your fear and how it contributes far beyond your daily lives to the weather itself.

So the earthquake and the storm were connected

Of course.

I have a feeling that I am mixing my own opinion with yours.

Of course.

How can I separate what I think is true from what I am getting from you for a pure channel?

We do not know for you are of us and this is about the trust of your own wisdom, trust about receiving your greater being. This is an exercise to build this trust, is it not?


Thank you

Yes we are one in love,

Monday, August 22, 2011

Messages from Tipareth

Messages from Tipareth August 22, 2011

Why are you in such a hurry? I am here sending you light enveloping you in love and you are rushing off to dig in the dirt, to be in Earth energy.

Yes. I like the Earth energy I like this density. This light, this ephemeral situation is all good, but I love my physical existence.

Yes we understand this and we ask you to spend more time with us so that you can mix more of our light, your light on earth

Yes this makes sense. I am resistive

What is this about?

I think that this is not fun

What is fun?

Fun is joy

And you think you cannot find joy in light?

No I understand that joy is light

Yes so where are we going with this?

That your message is that to have more fun, more joy I need to be checking in more.


That my joy comes directly from the beyond this physical

No not completely. There is light in your reality. It just needs more light and the more you are willing to be an emissary of light the more joy available to everyone.

Yes so I have to think of my meditations as a service to all which includes me.


That all my doing includes checking in.


I get it. I just need your help. I need reminders.

And your reminders are always with you aren’t they? You know this.

Yes in every leaf, person, breath. I understand this. I understand that just by being completely in the moment I am also in meditation, that I am present to light. Thank you for speaking with me.

We are always speaking with you. We love it when you listen (Smile)

(Love Heart to Heart Pink glow)

Thank you.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Conversations with Tiphereth

August 13 2011

Hello. We greet you. We would say to you that you are taking another step into the realm of spirit by committing to this communication. You have resistance but you do it anyway. This is good, for sometimes we must push through the cloud of illusion to seek our truth.

Is it all an illusion? This earth, my life?

Yes No For you it is real. For us it is as a mirage, a holograph of existence, a film that delights and teaches.

You mean from a higher level that is what my life would look like?

Yes, but we would ask you to not worry about the illusion or the realness of it all. This is where you are. This is what you have chosen. Revel in it. The body is a marvelous thing, magical in its capacities. All we ask is that you revel also in the realm of spirit, the other of who you are, so that spending an hour or two a day your other reality is not so difficult since it is a much of who you are as the physical. Does this make sense?

Yes I have been working on this and now I have to claim what I think is the true reality by actually spending time there.


Thank you

We are blessed to communicate with you.

And so I share in these blessings.

Our love is always with you and to all who read this, for you are all one in the heart of God.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Conversations with Tiphereth

Conversation with Tiphareth

This is a practice I began a few months ago to connect with my Higher Self, that part of me with the wisdom and answers to my questions. Tiphareth is a sephira, a God emanation, in the center of the Qablistic Tree of Life where our higher being sits. On the Tree this is the highest point of our human consciousness and it is this aspect of myself that I want to awaken. I sporadically sit in front of my laptap and after meditation allow a conversation to emerge. My hope is that by trusting these voices in my head, I can begin bring forth a higher level of knowing for myself and others. By posting these conversations, I am forcing the issue for myself. I have no idea where these voices come from but I know that this is part of my own schooling about moving beyond my ego self into an aspect of myself that I can truly trust. I will post these regularly. Please contact me with any questions

Is it time?

Yes. We are here.

I am so glad.

We welcome this opportunity to speak to you on a regular basis.


We would ask you to continue in this manner until you have the ability to speak what we say.

That seems a long ways away.

Practice, as you know, can take you to places you did not know you could go.


We would ask you begin to take this a bit more seriously. We have asked you to do this every day.


What keeps you from an every day practice of speaking with us?

My sense of time. That there is not enough time, that with my meditation and talking to you, I will “waste” time.

Yes. A choice as to whether this is a waste of time.

Yes or I might have to get up earlier.(-:

As you know if you want , if you have the desire, you can accomplish anything, You can even bend time.

Yes. I am resistant.

Good. Clarity is important.

Yes be careful of what you ask for. I have asked for connection and then I don’t trust what I am getting and I am resisting the process or not trusting. Thinking this is all something I am making up.

More like resistance

Yes You are right.

This is enough for today.

Thank you for your encouragement for your loving kick in the butt.

Yes. We are your loving friends, the masters